Thai Body Yoga Massage Therapy Techniques
Assisted Yoga Stretches
Thai yoga massage is always performed on the floor rather than a table. This enables floor stretches to be assisted by the therapist. The asanas (postures) chosen are based on the individual's body, which ailments they are experiencing and which meridian the corresponding blockage falls upon. Using weight and leverage, the assisted stretches work to loosen, move and stretch your entire body.
Marma Points
While in the assisted stretch, the therapist will use their hands, knees, feet or elbows to stimulate marma points along the energy meridians. Palm and finger pressure and the therapist's own energy flow are all used to further stimulate these points throughout the body. Some marma points will be stimulated using deep-tissue massage techniques and manipulations.
Synchronized Breathing
To further induce a meditative calm, the therapist and client engage in synchronized deep breathing. Deep breathing brings more oxygen into the body and tissues, increases circulation and further works to open channels of energy in the body.The synchronization between therapist and client deepens the meditative quality of Thai yoga massage.
Benefits of Thai Yoga Massage
Releases tense muscles
Increases flexibility and joint mobility
Acts as a lymphatic cleanser
Eliminates toxins in the system
Assists postural alignment
Increases body awareness
Stimulates internal organs
Improves neurological function and vitality
Relieves tension and stress
Promotes the body's self-healing properties
Balances the energy flow throughout the body
Helps strengthen the immune system
Induces deep relaxation
Calms the mind