Neti Pot Directions

A neti pot is a small pot which allows you to gently cleanse your sinuses using water or a saline solution. Using a neti pot flushes out the mucus and debris that stays in the sinus cavity and allows you to breath easier. Learning to use a neti pot is a straightforward process that can help you keep you sinuses clear.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • Water
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    • 1

      Fill a pot with water and warm it on the stove until it is lukewarm. You should be able to touch the water without flinching.

    • 2

      Fill the neti pot with the warm water.

    • 3

      Bend over the sink or tub, tilting your head to one side. Your forehead should be level with your chin, and one nostril should be directly above the other.

    • 4

      Insert the spout of the neti pot into the uppermost nostril, and tilt the neti pot so that the water fills the top nostril and flows out the lower nostril. Breathe steadily through your mouth as you do this. Let the water flow until the neti pot is empty.

    • 5

      Exhale deeply over the sink. This will remove the last traces of water.

    • 6

      Refill the neti pot with warm water and repeat steps 3 through 5 with the other nostril uppermost.

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