Natural Ways to Add an Inch to Your Height
Stretching Exercises
Much of your height comes from your spine and your legs, both of which consist of cartilage. Cartilage can become compressed, and stretching can help it to decompress. The Sports Injury Clinic has specific exercises.
Yoga also can help. Yoga involves performing poses which stretch and tone your body, thus decompressing your spine and adding to your height. Many yoga poses also improve your posture, which can make a difference in your height. Check out the Yoga Journal for a list of yoga poses.
Stand Straight
An instant way to add an inch to your height is simply to stand straight. This of course works best for people who tend to slouch. It's also easier said than done, but if you constantly remind yourself to straighten your back, and put your shoulders back, you can add about an inch or more to your height quickly. For long-term benefits, however, it's best to exercise to strengthen your back and make it easier to stand up tall.
Heightening Shoes
There are shoes for both men and women that can add an inch or a few inches to your height. You can purchase shoes specifically made for this purpose, or you can just wear shoes that have high heels. There are also heightening insoles that you can buy and insert into your shoes.