How to Balance Meridians With Tuning Forks
The process used to balance the meridians is called entrainment. Collins English Dictionary defines entrainment as adjusting an internal rhythm so that it synchronizes with something external. In balancing with tuning forks, the vibration of the fork bring the vibration of the internal meridian or organ group back into the correct vibration to achieve homeostasis.
Things You'll Need
- Meridian tuning forks
- Ohn fork
- Activator
- Color wheel (optional)
- Music (optional)
- Meridian chart (optional)
- Essential oil (optional)
A Meridian Balancing Session
Set up your treatment area. Place the tuning forks where you can reach them. If you plan to use music and color therapy to boost your work with the tuning forks, set those up as well.
Begin your session with the subject face up and comfortably relaxed. Position your subject face up in the center of your healing space. Hands should be placed palm down and slightly extended. If you plan to use a color wheel or music, start them.
Have your subject take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Repeat this breathing cycle several times until you see him or her visibly relax. Smudge a drop of essential oil at the meridian points for the small intestine, beginning at acupressure point SI 1 on the corner of the nail of the right little finger and ending at SI 19 on the face. (See the Acupressure Chart for exact point locations.)
Use the tuning fork for the small intestine. Touch the fork to SI 1 and strike one of the tines with your activator. Hold the fork on the point until it ceases to vibrate before moving to the next point in the meridian. When you finish with SI 19, moving the tuning fork back to SI 1 and hold the fork above the skin. Strike the tine and slowly move the fork up the meridian, pausing if the tone gets louder and only moving on again when the tone becomes quieter. Strike the fork as often as necessary to complete the meridian path.
Follow the same pattern for each of the meridians: anoint the points, choose the proper tuning fork, begin at the first point, move to the end and retrace above the body. You may follow the meridians from right to left or in any order that intuitively feels right for the client. Take your time and cover all the points.
Complete the session by striking the Ohm fork and weaving it over and above the body across and through the meridians. Pause at any point where the tone gets louder and remain until the tone quiets again.
Let your subject rest quietly for several minutes after you finish with the Ohn fork. Help the subject rise and thank them for allowing you to serve them.