Methods to Turn Your Skin Less Dark
Block the Sun
Your dark skin tone is the result of the pigment melanin in your skin, and melanin production increases with sun exposure. This is why catching some rays makes you darker. The specific component of sunlight that you can blame for melanin production is the ultraviolet rays, which a commercially available sunblock will help to neutralize. Use a sunblock with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Not only will regular sunblock use help prevent your skin from darkening, but it also carries the added bonus of reducing your risk of skin cancer and reducing the sun damage which contributes to visible aging.
Exfoliaition, Masks
One contributing factor to skin that appears dark is a build-up of dead skin cells, which exfoliation can combat. There are many exfoliating products on the market, but you can make your own exfoliating paste by mixing two tablespoons of oatmeal, two tablespoons of brown sugar, and one-fourth of a cup of milk. Using this mixture as a scrubbing agent on your face will help remove the dead skin cells and brighten your facial skin tone. You can also make a mask to help brighten your face by mixing a tablespoon of each of these: sandalwood paste, tomato juice, cucumber juice and lemon juice. Spread this mixture on your face, let it dry, then remove it, rinse and use a good moisturizer.
There are both artificial and natural substances you can apply to your skin for a bleaching effect. Firstly, there are products on the market that contain bleaching agents and will "stain" your skin a lighter color. If you are looking for a more natural alternative, you can use licorice extract, tomato juice and lemon juice. Licorice extract contains a substance called glabridin, which is a known skin lightener. You can find licorice extract at health stores and online, but it is prudent to try a dab of it before applying it liberally to be sure that you won't have an allergic reaction to it. Tomato juice is a known antioxidant for skin, and lemon juice has natural bleaching properties of its own, so you can also try applying these to your skin for that fair look.