How do I Make Alkaline Water at Home?
Things You'll Need
- Tap, bottled, distilled or filtered water
- Gallon container with screw-top lid
- Baking soda
- pH test strips
- Sea salt
- Coral calcium powder
- Lemon
- Kitchen knife
- Small bowl
Alkaline Water Recipe
Fill a 1-gallon container with water. Leave at least 1 inch of air space at the top of the container. Depending on your water supply, you may choose to use either tap or bottled water.
Add 1 tsp. baking soda to the container.
Screw the lid on the container and shake to dissolve the baking soda.
Use a pH test strip to test the alkalinity of the water. Perform the test according to the test strip's directions. Add more baking soda, if necessary, to bring the water's pH up to 8.5 to 9.0. When adding more baking soda, add ½ tsp. at a time, shaking the container well between each addition.
Store the sealed container in the refrigerator.
Alternate Recipe
Pour ½ gallon of distilled or filtered water into a 1-gallon container.
Add 1 tsp. sea salt to the container.
Add 1 tsp. coral calcium powder.
Wash a lemon and slice it in half. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a small bowl. Remove any seeds from the juice, and pour it into the container.
Screw the lid on the container and shake the container to mix the ingredients.
Remove the lid and fill the container, leaving at least an inch of air space at the top, with additional distilled or filtered water. Replace the lid and shake the container again.
Store the sealed container in the refrigerator.