Home Remedies to Cure Gas
Gas and gas pain are very common, but are relatively easy to cure, or at least alleviate, with home remedies. Gas is usually caused by pockets of air that are swallowed with food or drink, or by eating high fiber foods that are difficult for the body to break down. For people with food sensitivities, gas can also be caused by a certain food group such as dairy or wheat.-
Several kinds of tea infusion have been found to relieve gas and gas pains. Anise, peppermint, and chamomile teas are said to be particularly effective in soothing the stomach and reducing the incidence of gas and gas pains. Tea made with ground ginger and honey is considered particularly effective as a home remedy for gas and gas pains.
Other Infusions
Other tea-like infusions can help cure gas. For example, lemon verbena leaves are considered a home remedy for gas, if you blanch the leaves with hot water and then drink the water. Likewise, either parsley or passion fruit can be blanched with water to provide a gas remedy. An infusion of freshly grated ginger and lime juice can also relieve gas and stomach pain associated with gas.
Foods and Drinks
Certain foodstuffs and beverages can help cure gas. Coriander seeds, eaten raw, relieve both gas and gas pain. Drinking carbonated water has been found by some to cure gas, despite the bubbles in the water.
Since gas can result from overly acidic stomach conditions, taking antacids may reduce the incidence of gas and associated stomach pain. Simethicone is one antacid commonly used to cure gas, while calcium supplements may also help. Bicarbonate of soda also acts as an antacid for the stomach, and may help relieve gas.