Neck Massage Tools
Hand-held Tools
Hand-held tools are available in a number of shapes and sizes. Some have rubber spikes, others are smooth; some rotate and others are stationary. Hand-held tools may be helpful for a sufferer of neck tension to use at home. Many tools are designed with an easy grip that allows a client to easily use the tool on his own neck.
The Acumasseur is a long, malleable, plastic pole with a rubbery knobs protruding near the center. The pole has a flexible pivot in the center that allows some malleablity around the neck and shoulders. Each end of the pole is held, and the knobs are manipulated around the neck.
The Batando is a wooden tool consisting of four protruding pieces that perform the same function as the rubbery knob on the Acumasseur. The handles are wooden and attach to each other with an adjustable rope that acts as a pivot. The Bantado is sturdy enough to lie on, or place in a chair and lean against.
Tennis Balls
Two tennis balls inside of a sock is sometimes used as a neck massage tool. The sock should be tied in a knot to secure the tennis balls in the foot of the sock. This tool is used by manually moving the tennis balls around the tense area of the neck. Someone suffering from neck tension may also choose to rest his neck on the tool while lying down for a deeper massage.
Heating Device
A heating device is a heating pad or compress that fits around the neck. Moderate heat will soften the muscles allowing easier manipulation. The heat also has a relaxing effect. Heating pads are often used on the low back region, and they have the same effect on the neck region. Heat should be set to low when using a pad on the neck, as tissue in this area is delicate.