Online Wellness/Life Coaching Schools
Coach Training Alliance
Coach Training Alliance provides life and wellness coaching. The training begins with two one-hour teleseminars. Training is provided through group mentoring, online training, and self-study with interactive software, practical experience, observation and critique. This school assures that you will finish the course in six months and have paying clients to start your client base.
Class size is limited to 14 students to maximize effectiveness. Students interact with the teacher and fellow students. Students must finish the course and take an exam in order to be accredited by ICF. Cost of the training is under $3,000 if you take advantage of the discounts they offer for paying in full when you register and for providing them with your first name and email when you check out their website.
Coach Training Alliance
Historic Highland School Building
885 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302
Spencer Institute
Spencer Institute combines traditional coaching techniques with healthy nutrition, exercise, corporate wellness and stress management. There are no prerequisites to this program and completion includes certification as a Certified Wellness Coach. The online course includes 30 hours of PowerPoint video lectures, digital material and the exit exam. The course can be completed in as little as eight days or as much as a year from the purchase date. As of August 2010, the cost of the course is $197.00 and is all-inclusive.
Spencer Institute is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Professionals. Certification through Spencer Institute is conferred upon program completion. Graduates may also apply to the American Association of Drugless Professionals for certification as a holistic healthcare practitioner.
Spencer Institute
29811 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 500
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
International Association of Wellness Professionals
International Association of Wellness Professionals offers online training and certification as an IAWP Certified Wellness Coach. Course content includes nutrition, wellness, holistic living, marketing and coaching skills. The wellness model taught by IAWP includes stress management, health and traditional coaching principles. Online learning is self-paced and includes interactive video, audio and articles. Certification is wholly through IAWP. Graduates may also apply to the American Association of Drugless Professionals for certification as a holistic healthcare practitioner. Program costs aren't listed on their website or in their promotional material.
The International Association of Wellness Professionals
P.O. Box 622
Cedarburg, WI 53012