About Coconut Oil Soap
Coconuts have provided island populaces with necessary fatty acids. Coconuts grow on tropical palm trees. Coconut oils provide necessary fatty acids to indigenous populations. Unlike other natural fats, the concentration of glyceryl esters in a coconut's fatty acid makes it a natural protective shield that saturates the skin and lasts longer than other skin balms.
How It Works
Coconut oil helps the skin retain moisture. Coconut oil is an emollient, which means it naturally moisturizes and acts as a skin balm. This also means that it is able to draw water out of the air to dampen the skin, helping the skin retain as well as absorb minerals and vitamins.
Hawaiian beauty regimes involved coconut oil. Coconut extract has been used in South America, Polynesia, Asia and India, according to Coconut Connections. Sanskrit documents that date back to 1500 B.C. prove that coconuts were used in Ayurvedic medicine. Across the globe in the 18th century, Captain Cook wrote home describing the beauty of local girls and extolling their coconut-based skin regimes.
Coconut oil in soaps and lotions is vital to keep skin smooth. Human flesh is composed of connective tissues that are responsible for the skin's flexibility and suppleness. As people age, the flesh's pliancy is reduced, resulting in wrinkles and sags. The application of coconut oils reinforces the skin's durability while giving it a soft, supple exterior. Other lotions are water-based, and the soothing effects are only temporary. When water seeps into the skin, it fattens the tissues, giving the illusion that the skin is being moisturized. However, as soon as the water evaporates, the skin is dry once again. Because coconut soaps and oils have resilient fatty acids, they stay in the skin longer and have a prolonged effect.
Analyze labels to ensure that other fats are not replacing coconut fatty acids. Reading the labels is as important when it comes to beauty products as it is when purchasing foods. Some products will claim that their soaps and oils are saturated with fatty acids, but that does not mean that they are coconut oils. Cheaper products are typically stocked with such animal fats as tallow and lard and contain only a smidge of coconut oil. The lesson: Even if a product claims to be rich in coconut oil, always analyze labels.