Muscle Building & Fat Burning Combination Supplements
Caffeine is probably the most popular supplement on the market. It is found in nearly every soft drink or sports drink available as well as the new wave of energy drinks. Caffeine makes its play on your central nervous system as a stimulant. The use of caffeine in moderate amounts can be beneficial in giving you more energy to boost your workouts, which helps not only muscle building, but fat burning as well. Caffeine also works almost instantly so you can start drinking your energy drink and almost immediately dive into your workout. In layman's terms caffeine works by making your body break it down instead of your body's natural supply of energy. In addition to caffeine being a muscle building and fat burning combination supplement it also makes you pass excess water from your system.
L-Carnitine helps the body melt fat and use it as an energy source. It also increases muscle endurance. This makes it quite popular as a muscle building and fat burning combination supplement. In addition to all of this, L-Carnitine is also shown as a health benefit for your cardiovascular system. L-Carnitine can help increase the output of the heart and the improvement of heart function. Additionally, L-Carnitine has been shown to reduce feelings of hunger and weakness. Memory enhancing abilities have also been shown with L-Carnitine usage. Since low levels of L-Carnitine are found in most meats, those who avoid meat may suffer from a deficiency of L-Carnitine. Deficiencies could be shown in obesity or muscle weakness.
Creatine is another popular supplement for muscle building and fat burning. Creatine can not only increase the body's natural capacity for fat burning and muscle building, but with use in conjunction with betaine, it can increase oxygen delivery to the body, which can aid in endurance.