What Are the Benefits of Enhanced Oral Chelation?
According to HealthyNewAge.Com, chelation has been used in the U.S. since 1948 to treat heavy metal poisoning, such as for lead poisoning in industrial workers. The U.S. Navy hospital has been using the method to treat its sailors who were exposed to lead when painting ships and other facilities. Chelation also treats children who have absorbed lead from paint. Eventually, the therapy came to be used to clear arteries and improve atherosclerosis and cardiovascular conditions.
Chelation therapy administers a man-made amino acid into a patient's veins to help him eliminate metals from his system. This is the reason why it treats heavy metal poisoning, such as lead and mercury poisoning. The amino acid also binds calcium and removes it from the body, leading to speculations that it could clear calcium build-ups and plaques in the arteries. Enhanced Oral Chelation proposes to use amino acid naturally to promote healthy arteries and heart.
According to Health Resources, Enhanced Oral Chelation promotes healthy arteries and healthy heart. It encourages healthy blood circulation and blood pressure. It also helps bring your cholesterol level to the healthy range. Enhanced Oral Chelation purports to rejuvenate your internal organs and enhance your memory. It also relieves joint problems and increase energy levels. It might also help boost your sexual function and improve the skin.
Enhanced Oral Chelation contains ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), an amino acid which has been used for 57 years to enhance blood circulation throughout the vascular system. It also has other ingredients that help intensify the effects of EDTA. Vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium fight free radicals in the body. Vitamin B12 fortifies heart cells and reduces inflammation in the arteries. Folic acid and trimethylglycine manage the harmful homocysteine in your bloodstream. Magnesium promotes healthy blood vessels, healthy blood pressure and a strong heart. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine slows down aging and encourages youthful skin. Bromelain, a medicinal herb, helps relieve joint pain, strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation. (See References 1)
No scientific proof backs up the claims of Enhanced Oral Chelation's health benefits, and the supplement has not passed FDA evaluations. According to the Health Resources, the product "is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." The American Heart Association does not endorse the use of chelation due to the lack of supporting scientific data. The evidence provided for chelation therapy's benefits is usually anecdotal, and the effect has not been proven to be better than a placebo. According to the same organization, EDTA might cause conditions such as kidney failure, cardiac arrhythmias and respiratory arrest.