What Is Regression Therapy?
Regression therapy differs from many other forms of therapy in that it deals with the subconscious rather than physical or conscious discussion. While its basic definition is complex, regression therapy deals with the premise that the mind remembers every experience even if it is not apparent to the individual. The emotions contained within those experiences are what trigger physical responses.
There are three popular types of regression therapy. The first is spiritual attachment. This includes the takeover or possession of someone by another spirit, which has been recognized in most cultures. The second form of regression therapy is spiritual releasement therapy, a six-step process that begins with identifying the attached spirit and ends with ongoing therapy for the client. The final type is recovery of soul-mind fragmentation. This is a clinical approach to soul retrieval in which the client is guided by a therapist to locate the original trauma and separate, or fragment it, from the rest of the consciousness.
The International Board of Regression Therapy (IBRT) is an independent certifying and examining board. This board was formed to provide a professional standard for regression therapist. This board states that its reason for forming was the growing popularity of the field. Becoming a member of the IBRT begins with an application and supplementals followed by a written examination. Members of this organization are encouraged to learn its code of ethics.
Regression therapy can be traced back to the second century B.C. with the Hindu practice of karma, in which the soul was being burdened by impressions of past lives. The phrase used for past life regression was prati-prasava, which has a literal translation to rebirthing. Some of the principles of yoga use this same concept with regards to self realization.
The technique common by most regressive therapists is hypnosis. This involves placing the patient under a hypnotic induction so the therapist can reach into the patient's subconscious. Hypnosis can take place in several ways---either through a long series of questions or tricking the body into a subconscious state. Like regression therapy, this was once viewed skeptically by the rest of the medical establishment.