Mercury Detox Diet
Avoiding processed foods such as sugar, wheat (in addition to most other grains) and milk is recommended along with incorporating a high-protein menu into your diet. Proteins have sulfur-bearing amino acids that greatly aid in the detoxification process. The addition of fresh garlic (three cloves daily) and cilantro (may be taken in tincture form by rubbing one dropper-full on wrists if sensitive to the fresh herb) will help move the mercury out of your system.
Maintain Healthy Bowel Function
Approximately 90 percent of mercury is eliminated through the stool. It is very important to produce three healthy bowel movements per day when trying to remove mercury from the body. Often thyroid function is impaired by mercury poisoning and if you are suffering from constipation you may want to have this checked out before beginning any detoxification program. Two tsp. of freshly ground flax seeds daily can help aid with proper bowel function.
Beneficial bacteria is needed for proper flora balance in the bowel; supplement with up to half a tsp. per day. Chlorophyll also aids the system and can be found in chlorella, an algae that is available in powder of pill form. Some people are sensitive to chlorella and should start slowly with only one quarter tsp. daily or one 500 mg pill to see if it can be tolerated.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E are beneficial during the detoxification process. Calcium and magnesium, selenium and zinc are also recommended, as mineral imbalances are often found in those suffering with mercury poisoning.
Amalgam Fillings
The best recommendation if you are suffering from mercury poisoning and have dental fillings is to have them removed safely. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology developed a protocol designed for the safe removal of fillings that minimizes exposure to mercury. Once you have all fillings safely removed by a biological or "mercury-free" dentist you may begin a chelation protocol to rid your body of mercury.