Natural Treatment for Dark Circles Under Eyes
Causes of dark undereye circles include age (since the skin becomes thinner and the veins become more prominent), lack of sleep, stress, depression, nutrient deficiency, hyperpigmentation, over-exposure to the sun and excess use of medications.
Natural Remedies
Make sure to get plenty of sleep. Fatigue is the No. 1 cause of dark circles.
Place fresh cucumber slices over your eyes or apply cucumber or potato juice under your eyes with a cotton ball.
Apply a mixture of tomato and lemon juice under the eye twice a day.
Cold, wet teabags also will help in fading those dark undereye circles.
Drink lots of water and always use sunglasses when going out into the sun.
Eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin E.
Increase intake of vitamin C.
Break open a vitamin E capsule and massage the oil into the dark circles, being careful not to get it in your eyes.
Apply almond oil, which can be bought at a health food store, under your eyes and massage into the skin. Do not get it in your eyes.
Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes for up to 20 minutes a day.
Put slices of oil-rich avocado under each eye.