How to Operate an Inversion Machine

Inversion machines provide back and neck pain relief for some patients by removing pressure from the disks and nerves. Pain relief from inversion therapy is usually temporary, according to the Mayo Clinic. Inversion machines allow users to lie down and tilt back to keep them safely inverted for several minutes at a time. While all inversion machines differ slightly in their operation, the basic function is essentially the same.

Things You'll Need

  • Inversion machine
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    • 1

      Adjust the footrest and height setting. Most inversion machines have a knob you can turn to loosen the bar that connects the footrest to the inversion table so that you can slide it to adjust for your height.

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      Adjust the ankle clamps so that they can wrap around the smallest part of your ankle without putting too much pressure on your Achilles tendon at the back of your ankle. Most inversion machines have a knob structure similar to the footrest adjustment that allows you to slide the ankle clamps up and down.

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      Step onto the foot platform and lock your ankles into the clamps securely. Most ankle clamps have a locking pin to insert or a knob that locks the clamps in place. Tug firmly on the ankle clamps before using the inversion machine to make sure you are secure.

    • 4

      Slowly lie back on the table and rest your head down. Fold your arms over your chest to balance yourself or grip the handles if your inversion table has them.

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      Raise one arm above your head to shift your weight toward the head of the table. The table should begin to tilt backward slowly. Raise both arms above your head to increase the angle of inversion or to tilt back faster.

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      Bring your arms to your sides to help tilt back to an upright position. Bend your knees and push down against the footrest with your toes to help boost yourself up. Do not try to sit up on the inversion table to pull yourself up as this could injure your back or neck.

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