Liquid Potassium Iodide Uses
Please consult your doctor before using liquid potassium iodide either internally or externally.
Liquid potassium iodide is particularly useful in suppressing or stopping gassy reactions that come from eating legumes, more commonly known as beans or peas. When using liquid potassium iodide for this purpose, you should take six drops of the liquid with the meal. Don't take the liquid before the meal, because the potassium iodide will have already been broken down by your digestive system, and don't take it afterward, because by then the chemical reactions that cause bowel gas will have already gotten started.
Vaginal and Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth
Yeast is a natural part of the body, found on the skin, in the stomach, and in the vaginal cavity. However, this yeast can get out of control when the balance of bacteria in the body shifts. When this happens in the intestinal track (causing diarrhea and other symptoms) or in the vagina (causing a yeast infection), liquid potassium iodide is a possible solution. For intestinal yeast, you should take 15 drops of the iodide. For vaginal yeast infection, soak a tampon in the liquid potassium iodide and insert it in the vagina for five minutes every other day for a week.
Acne, a skin condition more commonly known as pimples, can be a great embarrassment to teenagers and adults alike when it occurs. However, if you apply liquid potassium iodide in the proper amount and in the correct way, it can help clear up this condition. Using an eye dropper, put 20 drops of liquid potassium iodide into six ounces of pure water. Apply it directly onto the acne once per day. You should keep this up for three weeks, even if it seems that the acne has disappeared.