Zeolite Cons

Cellular Zeolite is marketed as a mineral supplement with properties that help prevent or combat cancer, as well as other illnesses. It is extracted from a volcanic mineral called clinoptilolite, then ground into a fine powder and consumed in either its powder form or mixed with a liquid for consumption. Zeolite's effectiveness and safety have not been shown or indicated via clinical testing, statistical studies or other scientific research, and there is little published scientific material about its side effects, but its similarity to other mineral supplements suggests some possible dangers.
  1. Blockage of Calcium Channels

    • Zeolite, like other minerals, has the potential to block a human cell's calcium channels. As no conclusive clinical studies have been done, there is no data on the likelihood of such a blockage, but the possibility exists. Calcium channels control many of the body's more excitable cells, such as cardiac muscle, smooth muscles of the blood vessels and neurons in the brain. In addition to these dangers, abnormal calcium channel activity can cause life-threatening changes in blood pressure with little warning.

    Corruption of Cells

    • Zeolite could potentially enter a cell through the calcium channels. The body recognizes certain minerals as food instead of dangerous foreign objects, and the immune system is not deployed against these minerals. If zeolite were to enter the cell, the body would take no action against its presence. Over time, the foreign mineral could damage, kill or even mutate the cell.


    • There is no evidence or knowledge of the means by which the human body excretes excess Zeolite. If excess zeolite is not excreted, and builds up within the bloodstream or other parts of the body, the potential side effects could resemble those experienced during excess build up of similar minerals such as calcium, iron or zinc. The negative effects of mineral excess vary widely depending on the mineral, but can include tooth decay, birth defects, weight gain, breathing difficulties, impaired kidney function and inability to process other minerals.

    Discouraging Traditional Treatment

    • Taking zeolite as an alternative treatment for cancer or other illnesses could lead to behavior that excludes traditional medical treatments. Lack of medical attention can drastically increase the dangers and fatality rates of many diseases. In cancer, refusal of some combination of traditional procedures such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery is nearly always fatal.

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