What Is a Hot Seashell Massage?
Seashell massage employs smoothed shells filled with cement or organic materials. The sealed and resin-coated shells vary in size and shape. Larger fanned shells cover surfaces like the back; smaller conical shells fit between toes, or into small "knots" of tension.
While lava-filled shells naturally sustain heat upon contact, cement-filled shells are heated in a water bath. Upon reaching a temperature comfortable to the client, they are quickly dried and applied to the body.
During a seashell massage, the therapist may opt to use only shells or alternate shells with her hands. Shells can create familiar, sweeping strokes or simply rest on a tense area.
In addition to warming muscles, the seashells have mild exfoliating capabilities and often complement scrubs or mud wraps. The therapist might add aromatherapy oils, lotions or creams, to enhance the treatment.
Proponents of seashell massage attest to the shells' positive vibrations as an added healing component. Many seashell massage therapists consider seashells energetically uplifting.