How to Make Colloidal Silver Using 12 Volts
Things You'll Need
- 12 volt DC transformer
- 2 alligator clips
- Wire cutters
- Pliers
- 99.9 percent pure silver wire
- Distilled water
- Glass jar
Connect an alligator clip to both output wires on the 12 volt power supply. Strip 1/4 inch of the insulation off the wire ends with wire cutter blades. Place the bare wire ends into the open clamp connectors at the back end of the alligator clips and pinch the clamps closed with pliers.
Pour 12 to 16 oz. of distilled water into a clean glass jar.
Cut two strips of silver wire, or silver ribbon at 8-inch lengths. Clamp the end of one silver strip into one of the alligator clips and the other silver strip into the other clip.
Bend the silver strips over the edge of the jar with at least 3 inches submersed in the distilled water. Position the strips so they are not touching.
Plug the 12 volt transformer into a wall outlet and let it send power to the silver strips for about 20 minutes. Watch the silver dissolve particles of colloids and ionic silver into the water until it turns a murky white color. Unplug the power supply and remove the silver strips. Place a lid on the jar and keep the colloidal silver in a dark place at room temperature. Do not allow the solution to make contact with the inner jar lid.