Safety of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
The Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about bioidentical hormone therapy, specifically about false or misleading claims made, such as that it is a cure for Alzheimer's or that it prevents breast cancer. Also, the FDA takes issues with BHRT claims that it is safer than conventional HRT.
Quality Issues
One concern regarding safety is when the bioidentical hormones are prepared by pharmacists or compounding pharmacies. They do not have FDA approval and may not deliver consistent or measurable amounts of the hormones and may not be absorbed properly, depending on the mixture and the inactive ingredients used.
Another safety concern regarding bioidentical hormones is the lack of credible scientific evidence or studies proving the safety of these therapies. Simply because they are natural does not mean they are safer, according to the FDA director of the Office of Women's Health.
One purported benefit of bioidentical hormones over conventional hormone replacement is that it can be individually prepared for the patient, based on saliva tests. However, the FDA warns that saliva testing is not reliable, since a woman's hormone levels vary greatly throughout the day and the tests cannot reveal proper hormone levels needed.
However, some medical professionals see value in bioidentical hormone therapy because of newer research or results seen in their own practices. Some recommend looking into all options for hormone replacement therapy and choosing the appropriate course based on your age, where you are in the menopause process, other health issues and limiting the time that the therapy will be used.