Toxic Effects of Colloidal Silver
According to Dr. Stephen Barret, colloidal silver was originally marketed in the era preceding the invention of modern antibiotics. At the time, it was considered valuable for its perceived ability to kill harmful agents in the body. Even during this time, colloidal silver was not very common, and research surrounding it was sparse and unreliable. In 1975, it was officially delisted from the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary.
Colloidal silver is a liquid suspension of extremely small silver particles into water. It is usually created by applying an electrical charge to small silver wires that then are submerged into a container of water. This discharges small amounts of silver into the water, which turns the water into a colloidal mixture. The mixture is then ingested orally, and is usally part of a daily regimen that might call for the ingestion of other dietary supplements.
Toxic Effects
Colloidal Silver can have a number of deleterious effects on the body. Silver can very easily bioaccumulate in the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. In fact, long-term use of colloidal silver is known to cause Argyria, in which the skin and eyes turn markedly and permanently blue. This condition has been widely observed and was brought to light when libertarian Stan Jones of Montana ran for US senate while suffering from the disorder. In addition to these effects on the skin and eyes, silver can accumulate in the liver and kidneys and has been thought to cause with an increased likelihood for seizures and epilepsy.