Colloidial Silver Vs. Silver Nitrate
Colloidal silver is composed of sub-microscopic particles of silver suspended in a liquid such as pure water.
Silver nitrate is composed of AgNO3 and appears as a crystalline and colorless substance that turns dark gray when exposed to light.
Colloidal silver is used for making larger surface connection on electronic component terminals and is used in alternative medicine for such diseases as HIV/AIDS, herpes, diabetes, eye problems, syphilis, bacteria and viruses, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, cancer, prostatitis, shingles and as an immunity booster.
Silver nitrate is used for plating silver, dyeing hair, as an antiseptic, silvering mirrors, conjunctivitis prevention in babies, as part of making photograph film and as a cauterizer for warts and corns.
Silver nitrate has been known as far back as Geber in the eighth century AD.
The concept of using silver in liquids for antibacterial benefits dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times.
Taking colloidal silver can cause blue green tints to appear on a person's body. Health problems from colloidal silver can occur including skin irritation and kidney damage. Colloidal silver may interact with medication.
Silver nitrate can blacken skin and cause skin irritation and may not interact well with other medications.
The FDA has found no evidence that over the counter colloidal silver as a dietary supplement has any benefits.
Silver nitrate is more toxic than colloidal silver.