Colloidal Silver Vs. Ionic Silver
Colloidal Silver Defined
Colloidal silver consists of small particles of silver suspended in liquid. You can take the liquid in pills, sprays or injections.
Ionic Silver Defined
Ionic silver consists of ions of silver. This means the silver atoms are missing an electron, unlike the ones used in colloidal silver.
Colloidal Silver Supporters
Because colloidal silver is water soluble, supporters argue the atoms can get into the body and fight pathogens effectively. The water-soluble quality also prevents the supplements from leading to health problems, such as argyria, which turns the skin blue-gray in color.
Ionic Silver Supporters
According to supporters of ionic silver, colloidal silver only provides benefits because it releases the ions into the body. A bacteriology study published in 2004 by scientists at Natural-Immunogenics Corp. found that silver ions had the most antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Silver Denouncers
Mayo Clinic disagrees with both sides. The Clinic argues that taking these silver supplements can cause health issues, including kidney problems and neurologic problems.