How to Add Sea Salt to Your Water

Sea salt is used in cooking and to add flavor to prepared food. It is not processed as heavily as regular salt. Adding sea salt to water when you need to increase the amount of sodium in your diet or clean out your system with a flush should be done in moderation. Just 1 tsp. of sea salt has 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Drinking water with sea salt removes impurities from the body. But anyone with high blood pressure or who has been instructed by a doctor to restrict sodium should not use sea salt.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 qt. plastic or glass container
  • Measuring spoons
  • Glasses
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    • 1

      Fill the 1 qt. container with tap water. You can use bottled water if you prefer.

    • 2

      Measure 1/2 tsp. of sea salt.

    • 3

      Add the sea salt to the water and mix well.

    • 4

      Pour the salt-water mixture into a glass and drink it.

    • 5

      Stay at home for a few hours as sometimes sea salt causes bowel movements.

    • 6

      Repeat this process once a week.

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