Quickest Way to Change Body's PH With Alkaline
Today, more people are getting sick than ever before. One prevailing theory is that our bodies are too acidic. Dr. Otto Warburg showed that bacteria, cancer and viruses cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. This means that if you create this environment in the body, you will be more likely to fight off a disease.-
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
The protocol suggested in Madison Cavanaugh's "The One-Minute Cure" book is the quickest way to alkalize your body. The protocol consists of using 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide to oxygenate and alkalize the body. A certain number of drops are placed in distilled water and drank three times per day. As you continue with the protocol, you will increase the number of drops until you reach a certain number, then you will decrease until you reach a maintenance dose. Only 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide can be used; no other form is as effective or safe.