Plans for Building Massage Tables
There are various kinds of massage tables. According to, stationary tables are best suited for keeping in bedrooms, which you do not intend to carry to other places on frequent basis. For stationary tables, it is okay to choose building plans that include woodwork and wood support. On the other hand, there is a growing trend of choosing building plans of portable massage tables. Light-weight tables can be made from aluminum, graphite fiber and plywood. According to, such materials are easily available at hardware shops and are cost-effective. The plans for these tables are easily available on the internet as well as furniture designer’s books.
Most of the massage table plans involve use of standard-size materials available in the stores. Any plan that requires different sized parts will cost you much more than standard material. According to, standard Baltic birch plywood is the sturdiest and lightest inexpensive wood to be used for tabletops. The standard size is 60 inches in length and 30-inches in width. Some plans might involve rounded corner planks, which might be a bit more challenging as far as the woodwork is concerned. In most of the designs, you can omit some features that do not have functional purpose. At the same time, you can always add features that can improve the comfort and functionality of the table. For instance, if a plan involves supplementary woodworking for beautification purpose, you can skip it to save time and energy. If you are creating a simple table with basic features only, you can skip the tilting feature, which tilts the table to various positions for accommodating pregnancy and sore-back cases.
Cost and Material
According to, building a typical massage table will cost you approximately $235. This is just a rough estimate and can vary according to the number of materials and hardware used. The basic material required for constructing these tables include upholstery foam, stretchable fitted sheet and felt strips for the table top. Along with the plywood top, you will also need four finished legs. The supplies will include wood glues, screws, nuts, aluminum rods and washers.