Use of Digestive Enzymes From Plants
Use bromelain to break down high-protein meals. One of the most common plant-based digestive enzymes comes from the pineapple. Pineapple contains bromelain, which aids in the digestion of proteins. Its digestive benefits can be enhanced when taken with other enzymes that break down fats and carbohydrates. Bromelain also contains some antibiotic properties as well.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Germany has approved the use of bromelain in treating post-surgery swelling and inflammation. It may also be helpful in treating inflammatory conditions in soft tissue injuries. Take bromelain on an empty stomach to use it for inflammatory issues.
Take papaya enzymes for after-meal digestive relief. One of the least expensive digestive enzymes is made from papaya. Papaya contains papain which helps to breakdown protein. The papain in papaya leaves has even been used to tenderize meats. These enzymes are often sold in chewable form and may be combined with chlorophyll or mint, to freshen breath. Papaya helps to relieve digestive disturbances and can help to stimulate appetite.
Broad-Spectrum Enzymes
Use broad-spectrum plant-based enzyme supplements to help digest a variety of food types. These enzyme supplements can contain isolated forms of various enzymes like protease, amylase, alpha-galactosidase, cellulase, lipase and others that help to break down fats, proteins, fiber and sugars.
These enzymes are often significantly more expensive than papaya or bromelain products. The exact potency of the enzymes can also be difficult to compare as there are several units of measure for enzyme strength. When trying broad spectrum enzymes for the first time, try lower potency enzymes as stronger enzymes may cause digestive upset if they are not needed. Lower-potency enzymes are also much less expensive than the high-strength enzymes.
Some plant-based digestive enzyme products are specially formulated for specific digestive issues like food allergies and gas and bloating. Keep in mind that digestive enzymes are not recommended for children.