Therapeutic Benefits of Hot Tubs
Decreased Blood Sugar
In a study conducted at the McKee Medical Center in Loveland, Colorado, type 2 diabetes patients saw their blood sugar level drop by 13 percent after soaking in a hot tub for 30 minutes a day, six days a week.
Improved Sleep
The National Sleep Foundation advises you to soak in a hot tub before going to bed, citing studies that suggest that soaking in hot water eases the transition to deeper sleep.
Reduced Arthritis Pain
According to the Arthritis Foundation, soaking and exercising in warm water raises your body temperature and dilates your vessels, which increases circulation. This change in blood flow reduces inflammation and the pain arthritis causes.
Stress Relief
In an article in "The Daily Collegian," a student publication of Penn State University, several kinesiology professors agreed that soaking in hot tubs relieves stress by increasing blood flow and oxygen consumption.