Vinegar Cure for Fungus
Dandruff Treatment
To treat dandruff, apply apple cider vinegar directly to the scalp and roots of dry hair. Allow to remain on hair for 20 or 30 minutes, then shampoo and style normally. Do not use on color-treated hair. Vinegar can strip dyes from hair, causing fading or color alteration.
Athlete's Foot Treatment
Athlete's foot can be treated with a daily 10-minute soak in a foot bath containing equal parts water and white or apple cider vinegar. Alternately, vinegar can be applied directly to the affected area with a cotton ball and allowed to air dry.
Nail Infection Treatment
Soothe fungal nail infections with twice-daily soaks in equal parts water and vinegar; for best results, soak twice daily for 30 minutes total per day.
If fungus does not clear after 10 days of home treatment, see your doctor.