Natural Ways to Kill Nail Fungus
Tea Tree Oil
One of the most commonly mentioned home remedies for toenail fungus is Tea Tree Oil. You should be able to find this at drug and department stores, but if you can't, a natural food store will certainly stock it. Simply put some on a cotton swab and apply it on and around the toenail. Try to get some under the nail as well. Reapply twice a day. Allow it to dry completely before putting on footwear to avoid giving the fungus a warm and damp place to grow.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is an anti-fungal solution that has shown itself to be effective in killing toenail fungus. You can use it on a swab, as above, or soak your affected toes twice a day in warm water and vinegar (1 part vinegar to 2 parts water). Make sure your feet and toes are completely dry before putting on footwear.
Other Options
Although no scientific studies support their effectiveness, other commonly accepted treatments include hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal parts with vinegar, Listerine and Vicks Vapo-Rub.
Be Careful
Use common sense when treating your nail fungus. It takes months to grow a toenail and it may take considerable time for the condition to clear. However, if after several weeks there are no obvious signs of improvement, see a medical professional. In addition, if the area under the toenail is red, inflamed or painful, seek medical attention.
It is important to reduce all conditions that encourage the growth of nail fungus, even after the infection appears to have cleared up. Fungal infections love warm and damp places, such as toes that are in non-breathing shoes and socks day after day. Consider purchasing new socks and shoes. Don't dig or pull away the skin around your toes, and keep your toenails clipped. When applying lotion to your feet, avoid putting it on between the toes and on the toenails. Above all, keep your feet dry. Change out of wet footwear or socks as soon as possible.