Magnesium Oil Uses
Massaging magnesium oil into the skin will reduce stress and sore or still muscles by increasing the level of magnesium into the bloodstream. The skin absorbs magnesium very quickly, so massage is an excellent way to get extra magnesium into the body. If stinging or a rash appears when using magnesium oil, it should be diluted with 50 percent water.
For stomach upset, digestive problems or too much acid in the stomach, adding several drops of magnesium oil into a glass of water will help. The magnesium will absorb into the bloodstream through the stomach for a fast cure. Magnesium does not taste very good, so you can add the oil to a flavored drink, like juice, to help hide the taste.
Transdermal application
For arthritis pain or bruising, magnesium oil is applied transdermally, which means rubbing it directly onto the skin where the affliction is located. This is done by either soaking the oil onto a rag or cloth and holding it onto the skin or by dropping oil directly onto the skin and gently rubbing it in. Magnesium is easily absorbed through the skin, which will give a fast relief.