Lugol's Iodine Cures
Supplementing with Iodine
Since 1926, table salt has been supplemented with iodine to reduce the incidence of goiter and other symptoms of iodine deficiency. Recent information suggests that the iodine in salt may not be the most effective delivery method, however. Besides goiter (enlarged thyroid), people with iodine deficiency may experience weight gain that is difficult to reverse, fatigue, hair loss, acne, dry skin, cold extremeties and mental “fuzziness.” If your health care provider determines there is a thyroid issue, pharmaceuticals may be prescribed to stimulate the thyroid artificially or replace the hormones T3 and T4. Even with these hormone levels normalized, the symptoms may not improve. Low iodine levels must be addressed by supplementing with iodine.
If you are not experiencing symptoms, but feel that iodine supplementation is for you, take one drop daily in a glass of apple juice or filtered (non-chlorinated) water with apple cider vinegar. If you have two or more of the symptoms mentioned above, increase the dose to three or four drops per day. In the case of salmonella or other food poisoning, you can use up to six drops, but don’t exceed this. Iodine can also be found in tablet form. Either form is sold at pharmacies and health food stores, as well as online. Lugol’s is one brand name, and there are several others.
A popular treatment from past generations, making a comeback in the early 2000s, is “painting.” Simply cover the soles of your feet with iodine solution. Check to see if it is absorbed either fully or partially within 24 hours. You may want to wear a pair of socks you don’t mind losing, because iodine will stain your sheets and clothing. For acne, you can paint only the affected areas and leave on overnight. You should see an improvement within a couple of days.
According to the National Institutes for Health, iodine is considered safe for use by people who are not allergic and who use the recommended dosages--150 micrograms daily. The NIH recommends the external use of iodine for antiseptic purposes and internally for supplementation, either with or without additional thyroid hormone replacement. It also recommends using iodine as ear drops for infection, a rinse for gingivitis and to counteract radiation exposure. Allergic reactions to look for are hives, nausea and burning. Some people may experience a headache if large internal doses are used. Prolonged and excessive use of iodine may adversely affect the function of your thyroid.