How to Hypnotize Someone While He Is Asleep
Things You'll Need
- Subject
- Quiet room
Get permission and help if needed. It would be unethical and immoral to attempt to hypnotize someone without his knowledge. This is especially true for children. If you need additional help or advice, there are licensed hypnotherapists available to assist you or provide the therapy.
Watch for signs of wakefulness. He cannot be in a deep sleep. Wakefulness means that you can see that he is beginning to wake up. Signs include movement and or noises. This means that his mind is open to hearing what you are about to suggest, but he will still be asleep.
Establish a relationship with the subject. Sit next to him and breathe at the same rate as your subject to create a rapport. Begin to touch one spot gently, a finger or a part of the arm. Gently rub it while continuing your measured breathing. Rub in a circular motion or up and down on a small area of the skin. Continue to do so for at least three minutes and as long as10 minutes.
Talk to your subject. As you continue the touch, explain what your subject is doing in a measured, rhythmic tone, for example, "you are sleeping soundly while I speak to you." This helps him to be comfortable with your voice without risking waking him, which would compromise the entire process.
Tell the subject what you want. What is the purpose of the hypnosis? Are you trying to get him to stop snoring? Suggest that to the hypnotized person in a sing-song voice. For instance, "Please stop snoring, you can do it. You don't want to snore, you can stop." Continue this for 5 to 10 minutes.
Keep in mind that hypnosis does not always work. It may or may not work with your subject the first time. You can try again at different stages of sleep to see if the results are different. Hypnosis is not always recognized as a science, but it certainly is a way to relax and meditate when needed.