Mineral Oil for Pain Relief
Arthritis/Sore Joints
Mineral oil can be used in conjunction with heat therapy to assist people with arthritis in regaining mobility and lessening pain. For arthritis in the hands, apply mineral oil to them and then place them in rubber dish-washing gloves. Run your hands under hot tap water for five to 10 minutes to help alleviate stiffness and ease cramping. Hot baths with mineral oil added to the water or applied to your body before entering the water also helps in the same way.
If your pain is internal as a result of constipation, mineral oil can be taken orally as a laxative. The oil coats the bowel and the stool in a waterproof film, helping the stool retain moisture and assisting it through the bowel. Always consult a doctor before taking mineral oil for laxative purposes and follow all instructions regarding dosage and frequency. Do not take mineral oil if you have trouble swallowing or suffer from reflux because it can cause pneumonia if it gets into the lungs.
Dry Skin
If your skin is dry or inflamed, mineral oil can be used as a moisturizer to soothe the skin and lessen the irritation. Wash the affected area beforehand and dry thoroughly before rubbing a small amount of mineral oil over the area. Wash your hands after using it (unless your hands are what you are treating) and do not apply a bandage to the area unless a doctor recommends it. Stop using mineral oil if you experience any side effects, such as a rash or further irritation.