The Best Advice in Treating Cold & Flu Sysmptoms During Pregnancy
Drainage and Congestion
It will be hard to resist the standard antihistamines that will free you from nasal and throat congestion, but you won't want to take an antihistamine as it may affect your baby. There are a variety of ways to relieve this congestion without drugs.
Sleep with your head and upper body propped up to promote sinus drainage. While sleeping, wear nasal strips to help you breath better; also run a water vaporizer to help loosen mucus in your lungs. Apply a hot rag to your forehead throughout the day to relieve congestion and head pressure. Saline spray shot up your nose will help relieve a runny nose. Mentholated chest rub will help you breath easier. For sore throats, gargle warm saltwater. Warm up a cup of water and add some lemon juice and honey to make a great throat soothing drink.
For really bad coughs, you can take Robitussin cough syrup as it has guaifenesin, which is safe for babies. You can also used sugar or honey-based cough lozenges to help ease your cough. For bad congestion you can take Sudafed, but only after the first trimester. Very warm showers act as a natural decongestant. Eating warm chicken noodle helps with nasal congestion. Go outside occasionally throughout the day as the fresh air will help relieve throat and cough irritation. The best solution is to stay very hydrated to flush the sickness out of your body.
Fever and Upset Stomach
During early pregnancy you will encounter an upset stomach and vomiting especially in the morning and throughout the day. If you later take on cold and flu symptoms, you still want to avoid drugs as they will affect your baby. You can counter a fever with the lowest adult dose of acetaminophen. For bad headaches, use a cold compress on your forehead. Eat light foods such as upset stomach BRAT foods: bananas, rice, apples and toast. Avoid dehydrating drinks such as sugar-filled drinks. And make sure to get lots of rest.