How to Remove Packed Ear Wax
Things You'll Need
- Eye dropper
- Mineral, baby or olive oil
- Rubber bulb syringe
- Rubbing alcohol
Soften the packed ear wax with some baby oil, olive oil or mineral oil. Tilt your head to one side so your ear is facing straight up. Using the eye dropper, apply a few drops of the oil into your ear. Keep your head tilted and let the oil sit for a minute or two, then straighten your head and allow the oil to drain. Do this once in the morning and once at night for about six to seven days.
Use the rubber bulb syringe to flush your ear with water. Fill a cup or a sink with water, making the temperature as close to normal body temperature (98.6 degrees F) as possible. Fill the syringe with water, then tilt your head down over the sink. Place the end of the syringe just inside your ear canal and gently flush the ear with water from the syringe until the ear wax has been removed from your ear.
Apply a few drops of rubbing alcohol to your ear and tilt your head to allow it to pass through the ear canal, then drain it. This will dry your ear canal, completing the process. Dry off any remaining water, oil or rubbing alcohol.