The Sedona Method for Releasing Emotional Tension
Steps of the Sedona Method
The Sedona Method is a process of asking simple questions designed to point you to the experience of letting go and no longer holding onto feelings you don't want. According to Dwoskin, the purpose of the process is to gain your own freedom and clarity, and it doesn't matter if your feeling is justified, long-standing, or right.
The first step in the Sedona Method is to focus on what you want to feel better about, and then let yourself really notice what you are feeling in the moment. Welcome the feeling and let it be what it is.
When you are in touch with what you feel, the second step is to ask yourself one of the following three questions: "Could I let this feeling go? Could I just let this feeling be here? Could I welcome this feeling?" These questions simply ask if it's possible for you to take this action. With a minimum of thought, answer honestly with a yes or no.
The third step is to ask yourself simply: "Would I? Am I willing to let go?" If you answer no, or if you are not sure, ask yourself: "Would I rather have this feeling, or would I rather be free?"
Even if your answer is still no, the fourth step is to ask yourself: "When?" This question is an invitation for you to let go of the feeling right now. The only time you can do anything about the way you feel is in the moment.
The fifth step is to repeat the first four steps as often as you need until you feel free of your targeted feeling.
Dwoskin says that you will probably let go a little more on each step of the process. The initial results may be subtle, but if you persist, you will notice greater results. With any given topic, you may find that you have layers of feelings to work through, but anything you let go of is gone for good. Although the process is simple, if you want more in-depth help, see the Sedona Method course available from Sedona Training Associates.