How to Prevent Yeast Infections From Penicillin
Things You'll Need
- Plain, unsweetened yogurt
- Probiotic supplements
- Garlic
- Echinacea
Maintaining your body's balance.
Women are prone, due to the way their bodies are built, to yeast infections and preventing them when faced with taking penicillin, is essential. There are some general things one can do immediately, and continue to do every day, to help maintain a good environment for health and a bad one for yeast infections to thrive in. Avoid using heavily scented clothing detergent and personal hygiene products, including bubble baths, feminine sprays and commercial douches. Wearing cotton underwear, keeping the vaginal area dry and avoiding tight synthetic clothes can help increase air flow and make the environment harder for yeast bacteria to set up camp.
Avoid high sugar foods. Yeast loves a sugary environment so the more sugar you consume while on antibiotics, the more sustenance you provide the yeast in which it can thrive. Also, avoiding products that contain yeast, alcohol and fermented foods is advisable for the same reasons.
Take a probiotic. Probiotics can be a girl's best friend in preventing yeast infections and maintaining a healthy environment in the body. Probiotics can be found in supplements, readily available in most health food stores. They can also be found in yogurt products that contain live and active cultures. Avoid the yogurt products that are high in sugar due to fruits and added sweeteners. Making your own plain yogurt is easy and offers a product that is limited in additives and flavorings. Other products containing probiotics are kefir and miso and some dairy products now on the market contain live and active cultures. Consuming such foods helps maintain a healthy internal system. If yeast infection symptoms start, you can also apply plain, unsweetened yogurt directly to the vaginal area.
Maintain a healthy, balanced diet, filled with whole grains and fresh vegetables to optimize health and support your body to be more able to maintain balance while on antibiotics, like penicillin. Some herbs that can also help for either their immune boosting properties or anti-fungal qualities are Echinacea and garlic.