Natural Healing of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are the result of the teat glands in the eyes not producing enough fluids. The eyes are bathed in liquid designed to sooth the eyes and keep vision clear. The Mayo Clinic in its article "Dry Eyes" states that the tear glands are important in keeping the eyes healthy. There are several causes of dry eyes such as infection, allergens, dry air or other irritants. But there are natural ways to replenish the fluids in the eyes.
  1. Blinking

    • One of the easiest ways to improve eye moisture is to blink, reports the Mayo Clinic. While a person automatically blinks, it is also good to consciously blink more. The frequent blinking stimulates more fluid production. It also distributes the tears evenly over the entire eye area. By blinking you also reduce eyestrain which can affect vision.

    Apply Warm Compresses

    • The book "Doctors Book of Home Remedies ll" by Sid Kirchheimer also offers suggestions on treating dry eyes. In the chapter "Dry Eyes" Kirchheimer suggests placing warm compresses on the eyes to relieve dryness. Use a washcloth, place it in warm water, ring it out and then place on closed eyelids. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. This is relaxing to the eyes and also promotes tear production.

    Use a Humidifier

    • Humidifiers add moisture to the air. They give off a mist that fills the air. Kirchheimer also suggests putting a humidifier in the room you spend the most time in. By keeping the air moist, the eyes are less likely to dry out. Humidifiers come in a range of styles, prices and features so research is needed to find the best product for your needs. If money is an issue, a cheaper way to aid moisture to the air is to boil a pot of water on the stove. The steam will permeate the air and help lubricate dry eyes. Another option is to run a hot shower.

    Protect Eyes from Irritants

    • Chemicals can irritate and dry out the eyes. Avoid smoke from cigarettes and cigars. Even second-hand smoke is damaging to the eyes. When swimming, wear goggles to protect the eyes from the chemicals. The Mayo Clinic also recommends avoiding direct hear or cold air. When blow drying the hair, don't let the hot air blow in your eyes. Be careful of the blasts of air from fans, heaters and air conditioners. On windy days, wear glasses to reduce the chances of tiny particles entering the eyes.

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