Can You Relieve Dry and Itchy Eyes With Tea Bags?
Wet chamomile tea bags release oil that contains anti-inflammatory properties. The oil also contains an anti-spasmodic, which is why chamomile tea is also prescribed for mild menstrual cramps.
Brew the tea for 3 to 5 minutes, then let the tea bags become warm to the touch. Place over the eyes for 5 to 20 minutes or as long as it is comfortable.
According to Kristie Leong, MD, wet chamomile tea bags that have been refrigerated and then placed on the eyes for 10 minutes can help to ease dry and itchy eyes.
Expert Advice
According to Natural Health, Natural Medicine (Dr. Andrew Weil, MD; 1995), it's best to brew chamomile tea in a closed container to keep in the medicinal anti-inflammatory properties.
Chamomile is a member of the daisy or ragwort family. Anyone with ragwort allergies will also be allergic to chamomile.