What Are the Benefits of Castor Oil Packs?

Castor oil is known for its medical use. A castor oil pack is made by infusing several layers of cotton or wool flannel with castor oil, applying it to the body strategically, and placing a heating pad over the pack.
  1. Circulation and Healing

    • Castor oil packs are used by alternative health practitioners to enhance circulation and to stimulate the healing of tissues and organs underneath the skin.

    Liver and Digestion

    • Castor oil packs are said to improve the function of the liver, and to aid in the body's digestion process.

    Joint Pain and Inflammation

    • Castor oil packs are believed to reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis, bursitis and other disorders of the joints.

    Elimination Aid

    • Castor oil packs are traditionally used to aid in the body's elimination process, and to aid in gall bladder distress.

    Intestinal Disorders and Nervous Conditions

    • The packs are also touted to relieve intestinal disorders such as stricture and colon impaction, colitis, and toxemia. Castor oil packs have also been used to relieve headaches and nervous disorders.

    Infants and New Mothers

    • Castor oil packs will heal the umbilicus of a newborn, and will also help increase the flow of milk of a lactating mother when placed on the breasts. Consult a physician before placing a heating pad on an infant.

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