Brain Wave Music Therapy
How it Works
Music therapy uses a special algorithm, a device used to digitally translate musical sound. The individual translation is based on the fast and slow rhythm ratio that recognizes the brain waves embedded sound. Faster sounds will create a sense of alertness and concentration. A calmer beat or sound soothes and relaxes the mind and body which promotes the body's natural healing function. The brain adopts this shift of activity level, from calm to alert, and forms an easier method of shifting the state of mind. This new process continues to work even after therapy which provides lasting benefits to your state of mind.
According to the research done by neuro-psychiatrist at the Brain Music Therapy Center, this form of therapy has a lasting effect on certain autonomic nervous system's functions such as breathing and heart rate. The music works to slow your breathing and heart rate which stimulates your body's relaxation response. This response is essential so that your body naturally responses to stressful situations in a more relaxed state. This state promotes a healthier lifestyle it also works to counteract or prevent chronic stress. When the body is at a more relaxed state it will function at a healthier rate.
Music therapy works to treat depression and anxiety because the embedded rhythm of your brain waves promotes a positive state of mind. The music works to block your body's stress response which encourages higher optimism levels and creativity
This is a non-invasive procedure that involves several steps. The first step is a brief psychological evaluation done by the doctor or through a questionnaire. An EEG (electroencephalogram) machine is used to record your brain wave patterns. It is important to relax and remain still to ensure the best results. This information is than processed through the algorithms which extracts activating and relaxing waves. The two types of waves are separately recorded.
You will receive a CD with your personal brains music along with a treatment plan. To receive bilateral brain stimulation it is recommended that you use a headset to listen to the music.