Alternative Methods for Easing Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can refer to any kind of ill feeling while moving, or anticipation of movement. Most often, motion sickness occurs on boats, planes, in cars, or on amusement park rides. With motion sickness, you may feel weak, tired, nauseous, anxious, and cold or clammy to the touch. In some instances, you may actually vomit. Motion sickness can be inconvenient and uncomfortable, but there are ways to deal with it, including some alternatives to store-bought products such as Dramamine.
  1. Treatments

    • While not every treatment option works for every person, it can never hurt to try any options available. One treatment to ease nauseous stomachs is to snack on soda crackers. You may also want to try olives and lemons. These snacks work because they help with the extra salivation that comes with motion sickness for some people. Carbonated drinks work to settle upset stomachs. Drink some ginger ale, Sprite, or 7Up. Ginger is thought to have the ability to ward off motion sickness. You could take ginger root capsules or make your own extract from the root. Peppermint works similarly and can also be found in pill form.

      Some breathing techniques can help with motion sickness. If you take in slow, controlled breaths, your sense of well-being can be restored. Some people turn to cognitive behavioral therapy for motion sickness if all other treatments won't work. There is also the option of biofeedback therapy. If you would rather not go to those lengths for your motion sickness, consider acupuncture. Alternately, there are acupressure wristbands that can be purchased. These wristbands are said to relieve nausea.


    • Ward off your motion sickness with some preventative measures. If you experience car sickness, make sure that you sit in the front seat. Sitting in the front lets you focus on the horizon ahead, which may ease your motion sickness. Put your head back against the seat rest to steady it. Smoking isn't recommended before or during your trip. If you're experiencing plane sickness, try not to eat very heavy meals for at least 24 hours pre-flight; keep your meals light and free of dairy and salty foods. If possible, sit near the front of the plane, by the wing.

      Reading books or magazines, or trying to do puzzles while in motion, isn't advised because it can make you more disoriented and exacerbate the illness. If available, make sure the air vents point toward your face. The cool air can make you feel better. Maintain some positive thinking about your trip. If you're focused on the fact that you will be sick, then there's a higher chance that you will actually get sick. Traveling at night may ease your ill feelings. Avoid alcohol before the trip.

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