Directions for Taking Diatomaceous Earth
How It Works
According to some natural health practitioners, the tiny, sharp particles found in diatomaceous earth can benefit the body by killing parasites and cleansing the digestive tract. These particles are not sharp enough to damage the intestines, however, they are sharp enough to cut into tapeworms and other parasites and they act to scrub the intestinal walls clean of mucus and debris. These actions allow the digestive system to work more efficiently, leading to better digestion, more regular bowel movements and a higher degree of nutrient absorption from food.
Although no studies confirm diatomaceous earth's benefits, users also claim that they see a reduction in cholesterol and may even experience weight loss. This effect is reportedly due to absorption into the blood of small amounts of silica from the diatomaceous earth. Silica acts in the body to destroy fats that come into the digestive system.
Anecdotally, diatomaceous earth users also report improvement in skin, hair and nail health as well as improved energy and better rest. Some users also report improved joint and bone health. This is presumed to be because silica acts in the body to help deposit calcium and other minerals where they are needed.
How to Take Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth users recommend one of two methods to take it. The first method is to mix 1 heaping tsp. of powdered earth into any healthy beverage three times daily. The second is to mix 1 tbls. of the earth into a beverage at bedtime.
It is important to note that only food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe for human and animal consumption. Other chemical preparations that contain diatomaceous earth also contain chemicals which make them unsafe. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is available through natural garden and health supply outlets. Be sure that the label clearly indicates that your diatomaceous earth purchase is food grade.