The Use of Grape Seed Extract for Sinus Infections
What Can Grape Seed Extract Do for the Sinuses?
Grape seed extract is packed full of antioxidants. It can be taken daily to help speed up the healing process. Antioxidants work by reducing inflammation, which is why grape seed extract is so beneficial to someone who is suffering from a sinus infection.
With a sinus infection usually comes a sinus headache. This can be annoying and painful. Grape seed extract is good for aiding a sinus headache, too. Grape seed extract works because it shrinks the membranes and reduces inflammation. Inflammation is the main cause of most sinus pain, so a reduction in inflammation should help clear up your sinus infection as well as ease sinus headache pain.
If the grape seed extract isn't enough of a sinus headache/infection treatment, add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to a pot of boiling water. Inhale the steam, being careful not to receive a steam burn. Some people prefer to put a towel over their head when leaning over the steaming water.
Suggested Dosage
It is recommended that most people take between 50 mg and 100 mg of grape seed extract two to three times per day. It should be taken with meals. Grape seed extract is available in capsule form and can be purchased from the your health food store.
Grape seed extract is also available in liquid form. Regardless of which form of grape seed extract you take, 50 to 100 mg three times a day is a typical dosage (150 to 300 mg total). Liquid drops are usually added to water for drinking.
Grape Seed Extract Precautions
Some individuals taking grape seed extract experience side effects. Side effects include headache, dizziness, a dry, itchy scalp, and nausea. There have been no studies regarding interactions between grape seed extract and other medications, so experts do not know if there are any harmful interactions.
Grape seed extract is generally considered to be a safe supplement. Most people don't experience any side effects or reaction when taking grape seed extract.