How to Use Hypnosis to Cure Motion Sickness
Sit comfortably in a chair, cross-legged on the floor or in any other seated position that relaxes your body.
Breathe in a rhythmic manner. Take 10 seconds to inhale and then 10 seconds to exhale. (A shorter count can be used if necessary.) This breathing method is sometimes associated with meditation. The main difference is the application and implementation of hypnotic suggestion after the breathing rhythm has been established.
Focus your mind by applying a suggestion. The specific suggestion you use is irrelevant---the idea is to "tune" the mind. By "tuning" the mind, your brainwaves will begin to "synchronize," harmonizing the senses that are giving contradictory information to your brain. Once all the senses are "agreeing" with each other again, the motion sickness should have gone away.
Maintain control as needed by simply recalling the suggestion that was used during the hypnosis session. Remember the original suggestion, so that you can re-activate the hypnotic state at will if the motion sickness returns.
Train your mind to recall and reset the specific circumstances that the hypnosis was originally done under. This makes the transition back into a hypnotic state easier. Named for the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, a Pavlovian response---such as you are using---is the trained response a person or animal has to certain outside stimuli, such as a sound, light or physical contact.