How to Use Tuning Forks for Chakras
Pythagoras discovered many years ago that a person could introduce vibrational notes to a one's energy field to help heal ailments. Tuning forks are specifically made to vibrate at certain frequencies that will resonate with a person's chakra system. Use of tuning forks is a simple and effective method of healing imbalances by reminding the energy what pitch it is suppose to resonate at.Things You'll Need
- 7 Piece Tuning Fork Set
Instruct the person receiving the healing sit, lie, or stand, whichever is most comfortable.
Choose the tuning fork specifically designed for the root chakra. Hold it at the very end with a relaxed, flexible wrist, fingers firm, elbows and arms relaxed.
Strike the tuning fork with a special striker that is specifically used for that purpose. Using anything else to strike it will possibly detune the tuning fork.
Hold the tuning fork about a foot over the root chakra area, allowing the tune to fade away before removing it from the area, about 30 seconds to a minute.
Continue this procedure up the chakras, using the corresponding fork for each.
Follow with any other healing modality that needs to be done after you have finished with the crown chakra.
End session with another full round of the tuning forks, root to crown chakra.