Tuning Fork Treatment for ADHD
Tuning forks were first created in 1711 by Englishman John Shore and were used in tuning musical instruments. The ancient Chinese practiced forms of sound therapy in the use of singing bowls. The bowls would be placed on the back of the patient and a Tibetan bell would be rung above the singing bowl to create a harmonic resonance in the body.
Sound therapy now uses tuning forks applied to injury or poorly functioning anatomy, as well as energy centers, or chakras. The fork is struck and placed in the area of the body for altering the vibration within. Forks are tuned to aid in striking a different note or tone address different issues, and are said to help to rejuvenate the organs and tissues around the area in which the forks are placed. The sound of the tone, as perceived through the ear, is said to clear the mind and help address concentration issues.
Other Therapy Media
Other types of sound therapy exist, such as storybooks and audio tracks, that claim to help a improve mental clarity and address ADHD. Proponents of sound therapy claim that along with clearing the minds and improving concentration, the sound may help to block out unwanted distraction and stimulation and help to retain listening capacity. Audio compact discs and mP3s are available online and in specialty stores. Daily listening of these audio tracks may help to overcome the symptoms of attention disorders.
Sound therapy is not a permanent cure for any ailment, but may provide some relief for patients with ADHD, helping to improve focus. Repeat treatments may be necessary to continue experiencing reduction in symptoms. While the scientific effectiveness of tuning fork or sound therapy is in dispute, there is little chance for harm through its use. For ADHD patients avoiding therapy or medication for their condition, tuning fork therapy cannot be used as a replacement for these treatments until evaluated by a professional. Sudden discontinuation of drugs prescribed for ADHD is not advised.
Getting Help
Many acupuncture specialists and holistic healers have embraced sound therapy into their practice. Qualifications for licensing vary by state, but it's important to look for a certified practitioner when seeking sound therapy. Tuning forks for ADHD are also available on the Internet.