Problems With the Cell Spa Ion Foot Detox Bath
How It Works
Ionic foot detoxification baths like Cell Spa consist of a tub to put your feet in, electrodes and a low-voltage power source. To operate, you add purified water to the tub, put your feet in and soak for approximately 30 minutes. As the electrical current passes through the water ions are produced.
Supposed Benefits
Ions are credited with helping to align your own magnetic and electrical fields. As the current runs through the water, you may feel tingling in your feet and legs. This action may improve circulation, so this is one benefit of the practice. The water will turn a muddy color, tinged with other colors. Originally, these colors were described as being the toxins being flushed from your body through the pores of your feet. New research finds that the brown elements in the water are mostly oxidation of the metal in the electrodes and minerals that were present in the water or on the skin's surface.
Company Claims
While the brown color may be oxidized metal, there are often other colors present in the water after a session. According to a chart on the official Ionic Foot Bath site (, black indicates impurities cleansed from the liver, red can indicate blood-clot material, white may be yeast, green is from the gallbladder, orange is from the joints and yellow-green is most likely toxins from the kidneys.
According to, Cell Spa and other foot detox machines are likely not offering any health benefits. Whether or not this is the case, there are a few things to consider before trying this treatment. If you are diabetic or have circulation problems, be cautious about any activity that requires you to soak in warm water for a long period of time. The stimulation of the foot bath may raise your blood pressure and certainly increases circulation in the legs. If you choose to follow directions found online to construct your own foot bath, use extreme caution to avoid electric shock.
The Bottom Line
Ionic foot detoxification baths are a staple in spas and, except for the cautions above, will probably do no harm. Many users report they feel an increased vigor and relief of certain conditions like arthritis and constipation. This is likely due to an increase in circulation, rather than a result of toxins leaving the body.